


By staying up-to-date on advancements in dental materials, we can give you customized options that will improve the longevity of your teeth. Restoration can be many things: tooth-colored fillings, metal fillings, crowns and much more. They are designed to help a damaged tooth continue to function in the mouth.

  • Tooth-colored fillings can be done the same day and restore the natural color of your teeth.

  • Crows are beautiful tooth-colored caps that fit over your tooth and look like natural teeth. They give your tooth a new protective layer.

    Crowns are a standard dental treatment. When a tooth’s protective layer is damaged beyond repair, we must replace it to restore its full function. A custom-made crown will protect the tooth and allow it to function correctly again. Well-fitted and designed crowns can last for decades. However, it is also imperative that the patient practices good oral hygiene to maintain the crown's longevity.

    There are several options for crowns, such as tooth-colored, metal and cosmetic crowns. Crowns are selected based on what material would work best in your mouth as well as your preferences in appearance. Crowns are usually needed because of large cavities or cavities around large fillings. Because people are keeping their teeth longer than ever, we are also seeing patients need crowns because of cracking. Our teeth’s protective layer (enamel) is a lot like glass and just like a chipped windshield, its strength can hold up with a chip as well as a crack. However, once that crack gets big enough, the strength is compromised and the tooth can fracture.

    Advanced materials and adhesives allow us to custom-create crowns that look beautiful and can last decades. Our goal is keeping your natural teeth healthy with preventive procedures.Item description

  • Single Visit In-Office Crowns

    Our office allows patients to have a tooth prepared and the

    final crown delivered in one sitting. This is done through a technology called CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing).

    This process involves:

    - Pre-operative digital scans of the patient’s teeth,

    - Preparing the tooth to the correct dimensions to receive a crown

    - Scanning the final prepared tooth

    - Designing the crown on a CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of

    Esthetic Ceramic) computer

    - Milling the crown in a CNC machine

    - Checking and adjusting the crown so it has a proper fit and bite/function

    - Custom staining and glazing for proper esthetics

    - Cementing the crown permanently

    Ask our doctors if you are a candidate for this type of procedure.

  • Bridges are similar to crowns; however, bridges are used to replace a tooth that has been extracted. It involves several crowns that are connected and then cemented onto the nearest structurally stable teeth on either side of the gap to “bridge” the missing tooth with a porcelain replacement.

  • An implant is one of the best ways to replace missing teeth or a tooth that can’t be saved. Dental implants allow us to give patients a replacement that can help them chew and function like a natural tooth. Before dental implants, it was very difficult to replace teeth. Neighboring teeth would typically be damaged in order to replace the missing tooth, or patients would have to learn to chew with their gums or removable dentures.

    Busby and Willoughby Dental has extensive training and experience using dental implants to replace single or multiple teeth.

    Please let one of our team members know if you are interested!


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If you have any questions about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today!
